Weinstock Law, PLLC

5 Tips For Choosing A New Personal Injury Attorney

March 28, 2022

Having a personal injury lawyer on your team is crucial if you’re dealing with an injury. They can help you navigate through the complicated legal process and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve for your injuries.

If you need to hire a personal injury attorney for your case, there are some things that you should keep in mind.

#1: Start With A Referral. We all want to turn to our friends and family for advice, and choosing a lawyer is no exception. If someone you know has faced a situation similar to yours and had to hire an attorney, then they can give you the inside scoop on what they liked or disliked about their attorney. 

#2: There is no substitute for experience. Those who have been practicing law and representing clients in personal injury matters for a long time are the most experienced, knowledgeable, and competent. 

#3: Get a free consultation if you can. Most law firms offer a free initial consultation so that both of you can assess if their firm is right for you and your family's needs.

#4: Contact one immediately after an accident. If you can, contact a personal injury attorney within 24 hours of an accident to protect your legal rights. This gives you and your lawyer more time to work on receiving the appropriate compensation for your injuries as soon as possible.

#5: Ask questions: Make sure that when you call or email a lawyer, they respond and answer all of your questions. An unresponsive lawyer is not the right choice for you!

If you’re looking for lawyers that tick all the boxes above,Weinstock Law, PLLC has been among the leading attorneys representing individuals and families whose lives have been devastated by serious personal injury, wrongful death, medical malpractice, and more caused by the negligence of others.

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