Weinstock Law, PLLC

What Should I Do After A Car Accident?

July 4, 2022

Motorcycling is fun and delivers both physical and emotional excitement with a spike of adrenaline. But if a motor accident destroys your life, you are not alone. At Weinstock Law, we have serviced hundreds of personal injury cases in motorcycle accidents. If you are a beginner and currently involved in a motor accident, please do the following steps: 

  1. Remain calm—After an accident, get yourself out of the traffic. If injured severely, do not move. Lie still, remain calm and call for help.
  2. Do not remove your helmet – While it’s comforting to take off the helmet, it’s necessary to keep it on even after the accident and wait for the medical team to assess you. This can prevent any possible injuries from making it worst. 
  3. Call 911 – Make sure to call 911 once you’re safe and out of the traffic. Communicate all the details that happened to the police officer and identify any vehicles involved. Cooperate and stay calm. 
  4. Record any evidence – Do you have any recording devices with you like helmet cams, motorcycle dashcams,s or go pros?? If yes, review the surroundings and see the license plates of all vehicles involved. Do not admit fault if you are not sure. Prioritize getting medical help immediately. 
  5. Seek medical attention – After the accident, see a doctor even if you think nothing is wrong with you. The doctor will check on your head injuries, broken bones, internal bleeding, or abrasions. 

Contact Us Right Away 

After a motorcycle accident, you may encounter an overwhelming medical bill, numerous insurance requests and calls, physical trauma, emotional stress, and loss of income. With all these problems, it’s time to contact a physical injury lawyer who can help with the process. We will work with you from start to finish. An accident can affect your life negatively, but a capable lawyer can offer you the time to focus on your healing. 

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