Weinstock Law, PLLC

The Most Common Construction Injuries

April 11, 2023

In 2021, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals that there were 5,190 fatal work-related injuries with construction and extraction occupations having one of the highest rates of occupational fatalities. Despite the fact that safety precautions are taken to avoid accidents, injuries can still happen.

Here, we will examine the common types of injuries suffered in construction. By understanding them, we can take the necessary steps to prevent accidents and keep workplaces safe.

  • Falls

Falls in workplaces are typically caused by poor structural and strength integrity of surfaces employees work and walk on. They could also be caused by unprotected sides and edges that are not properly secured with a guardrail or safety net system. 

  • Struck-by Injuries

This type of injury is defined as the forcible contact between a person and an object or machinery. This could be caused by uninspected equipment or workers not wearing protective equipment.

  • Stuck-in-Between Injuries

The difference between a struck-by and a stuck-in-between is the latter causes an injury by being crushed by two objects. Examples include cave-ins, being caught in equipment, or being compressed by moving objects.

  • Electrical Hazards

Burns, electrocution, shock, arc flash, fire, and explosions are the hazards that workers can be exposed to when working with electrical energy. On top of short-term effects like burns, and seizures, electrical hazards could also cause long-term damage to the heart. 

Working in construction can be physically demanding. The labor frequently includes working at heights, utilizing heavy machinery, and operating power tools. While accidents can still happen, the risks can be minimized by using the proper equipment and adhering to safety guidelines. If you have been injured on the site, it’s important to inform your employers and get the medical help you need right away.

At Weinstock Law PLLC, we are committed to providing legal representation to those who have been injured on the job to get the compensation they deserve. Remember that taking legal action can help you recover lost wages, and cover medical expenses and other damages acquired from the job.

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