Weinstock Law, PLLC

The Role of A Lawyer In A Medical Malpractice Case

September 28, 2023

Everyone needs medical care throughout their lives, but when big medical events occur it is important that you are treated well. Suffering from an injury or needing surgery can often be considered major life events, and in some cases they can affect you for the rest of your life. This is especially true if something goes wrong. If you are not at fault for medical mess ups and other mistakes, you may be able to get your dues. To learn more about  medical malpractice, our expert attorneys here at Weinstock Law, PLLC can help you navigate the situation with precision and make sure you get the money and the justice that is owed to you.

Medical malpractice can make for a difficult case. There are several things that you will need to prove in order to hold up your claim in court. Some of these points include proving that a doctor-patient relationship existed, that the doctor was negligent, that it was the doctor's negligence that caused the injury and the injury led to specific damages or there was a clear failure to diagnose leading to improper treatment, and that there was a clear and present failure to warn a patient of known risks among other things. Here at the Weinstock Law, PLLC, we have been representing individuals successfully in the area for over 50 years. We have achieved outstanding results and obtained substantial financial compensation for our clients in fields such as motor vehicle accidents, construction accidents, civil rights, municipal negligence, trip and fall accidents and so much more, including medical malpractice. While we can’t turn back time, we can at least make sure that you are compensated for what has happened to you and that justice is served.

If you need help with medical malpractice, our attorneys are more than happy to listen to your story and help you and your family get the financial compensation and justice that you deserve. Visit us here at Weinstock Law, PLLC to tell us your story and we’ll make sure you get the legal counsel you need.

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